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Without research there will be no cure
The Memory Assessment & Research Centre (MARC)
This award winning research centre, MARC, based in Hampshire, has been established for more than 30 years. They were involved in the original trials of Donepezil, Memantine, Galantamine, and Rivastigmine. All now commonly prescribed for Alzheimer’s Disease.
Living in Hampshire gives you the opportunity to get involved in research and trials to help find new medications and maybe even, one day, a cure.
Every study is different. There are interventional studies (aiming to test new drugs and treatments) and there are observational studies (aiming to learn more about the brain and progression of memory problems).
Some trials include taking medication that may help to improve memory.
There are many benefits to taking part in a trial, such as;
- Having access to robust general health and memory screening, and ongoing monitoring
- Receiving thorough physical examinations including ECG and blood tests
- Access to various scans such as CT, MRI or PET scans
- Receiving more information and advice than you would otherwise have access to
- Having the opportunity to speak with highly qualified and experienced staff
- Potentially have medication that may improve your memory, or slow progression
- Knowing that you have done everything that you can to help beat dementia for generations to come
All clinical trials are in addition to your standard care, none of the medications you are currently on will be stopped. You are free to withdraw from the trials at any time, and this will in no way affect your medical care.
MARC are often able to reimburse travel costs and arrange transport for you if needed.
If you would like to find out more about the trials and how to get involved visit the MARC website here, email marc@southernhealth.nhs.uk or call them on 023 8047 5206.
Or you can speak to us first if you wish. Call 0344 324 6589 for a chat, or pop in to see us at one of our support drop-ins. Find your local drop-in here.

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