Practical Support

We are with you every step
of the way

Living with dementia can feel a little overwhelming sometimes. There is so much to do. Dementia Support Hampshire & IOW is here to help, so that you can spend your time supporting your loved one with dementia, rather than searching for information and filling in forms!

Finance & Benefits

Navigating your way around the benefits system can be difficult at the best of times, so when you are in the midst of your dementia journey it can seem like an impossible task to find out what financial support you may be entitled to.

You also need to consider getting your finances in order and make sure that you have a Will in place, and have appointed a trusted person as your Power of Attorney.

We can help you to understand what you need and when. Please pop in to one of our Support & Social Groups to speak with a member of staff.

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Form filling

We know from our own experiences how many forms there are to be completed! And how this can feel a little overwhelming.

If you need help with form filling, please pop in to one of our Support & Social Groups to talk to a member of staff.


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