St. Denys Memory Café

Hosted by Caraway on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday each month at St. Denys Church Centre, Dundee Road, St. Denys, Southampton, SO17 2ND

Different activities each meeting but always a warm welcome with a cuppa and cake.

No need to book, just turn up and join in¬

Santa Slide

Are you ready to join our SANTA SLIDE?

Zip wire high in the sky above Bournemouth beach, dressed as Santa, delivering much needed funds to support people living dementia in our local community.

The PierZip runs from the top of the pier all the way down to the beach; so you will be dangling over the open sea! Not only are you sure to feel the excitement of flying over the waves, but you’ll also get a great view of the stunning Dorset coastline.

Anyone aged over 8 can take part in this event, and there is no maximum age. Anyone aged under 16 must have a parent or guardian present. You need to weigh over 35kg (5st 7lb) and be over 1m 20 (3ft 11.5in). The maximum weight is 120kg (18st 12lb). You can sign up individually, or as a team.

Registration costs £20. This pays for your zip wire and Santa suit, that you get to keep afterwards. We then suggest a minimum sponsorship target of £100.

Join us on Sunday 7th December for this fun and exhilarating fundraising event. Whether you want to do something different, have fun with your friends and family or even liven up your Christmas party, It’s a fantastic way to get the festive period started.

Memory Lane Lunch Club

We know the importance of supporting our local community and now hold regular memory lane lunch clubs, specifically for those living with dementia or caring for a loved one.
Our first lunch club which welcomes friends, relatives, carers and loved ones to enjoy games and crafts, alongside good company and good food. There will also be a demonstration of our digital rainbow table – an interactive multi sensory environment designed for people living with dementia.
Future Dementia lunch clubs will be held on the last Monday of each month with the next one on Monday 24th February.

Please RSVP to Gemma on the activities team at

Keep Moving! A gentle exercise class for all!

Join Paul from Visosport for an hour of interactive games that increase strength, co-ordination and can improve cognitive development.

Come long and have a go!

There is no charge for this event and refreshments are available.

Disco and Dance

Join us at Snowdrop Place Care home for our dementia disco and dance for a fun evening of music to inspire memory, conversation and friendship includes light meal and a drink.

Please RSVP to Gemma on the activity team

Waterlooville Support & Social Group

Join Dementia Support Hampshire & IOW every second Wednesday each month, 11am – 1pm for our monthly social meet-up.

Activities include; arts & crafts, reminiscence, cognitive stimulation games, quizzes, and conversation. Tea, coffee and biscuits will be served.

The event is for anyone and everyone living with dementia, be it the person with dementia, their family and friends, or their carers.

No need to book, just turn up and join in!

You can also book a 1:1 appointment with a Dementia Support Advisor if you need help with form filling, claiming attendance allowance, Blue Badge or council tax reduction, or information about Power of Attorney, home help, respite, or residential care. Call the helpline on 0344 324 6589 to book your appointment or talk to your Group Coordinator.

Neuroactive Chairobics

Hosted by Dementia Friendly Alton

Chair based exercise to music with optional standing. Suitable for those living with neurological conditions such as Dementia, Stroke, Multiple Sclerosis and Parkinson’s.

No need to book, just turn up and join in! £3 per session.

Coffee Pot Coffee Morning

Hosted by Sunnybank House – A weekly opportunity to pop in for a hot drink and a chat, make friends and take part in discussions.

No need to book, just turn up and join in!

Alzheimer Café Isle Of Wight – Ryde

Hosted by Alzheimer Café Isle of Wight, Ryde Alzheimer Café is held at the church hall, All Saints’ Church, Queens Road, Ryde PO33 3AF, from 11.30am – 1.30pm, on the first Wednesday of each month (not January).

An informal, supportive and friendly atmosphere for people whose lives have been affected by dementia.

Each month an informative presentation relating to dementia is given, there is time to discuss dementia related issues in a relaxed atmosphere, with coffee/tea and cakes being served.

There is no charge to attend an Alzheimer Café, however, donations are welcomed.

Please see organiser and venue details below.

We recommend that you contact the organiser prior to your first visit to ensure the event is taking place.


Alzheimer Café Isle Of Wight – Newport

Newport Alzheimer Café is held at the Newclose County Cricket Ground, Blackwater Road, Newport, PO30 3BE from 6pm – 8pm, on the last Thursday of each month.

An informal, supportive and friendly atmosphere for people whose lives have been affected by dementia.

Each month an informative presentation relating to dementia is given, there is time to discuss dementia related issues in a relaxed atmosphere, with light refreshments being served.

There is no charge to attend an Alzheimer Café, however, donations are welcomed.

Please see organiser and venue details below.

We recommend that you contact the organiser prior to your first visit to ensure the event is taking place.