Hosted by Alton Community Association, this free drop in session is held between 11am-4pm every Wednesday, you can attend one session, 2 sessions or all day, the sessions are as follows…
Memory Café 11am-12.30pm – The Memory Lane Café is an opportunity for those with dementia or memory loss and their carers to meet with others for support, reminiscence and relaxation with games, craft activities, music, quizzes and more importantly tea, cake and companionship with lots of laughs along the way.
Love To Move/seated Tai Chi/Crafts 12.30pm-1pm – Alternating weekly between seated exercises/Tai Chi and creative craft sessions.
Friendship Lunch 1pm-2pm – Bring your own lunch or order from the Regency Café.
Gardening/Crafts & Afternoon Tea 2pm-4pm – Creative craft & gardening sessions.
For more information call 01420 85057 or email
Please see organiser and venue details below.